NAMFI is about all Military Aviation. During the hours of 9 am to 5 pm, this is a giant scale event. Classic non-military aircraft (pre-1960) will be allowed but they must be giant scale with a wingspan of 80 inches or more for monoplanes or 60″ for biplanes, any turbine-powered military jets are allowed. After 5 pm we welcome warbirds of all sizes so bring the park flyers for some morning and evening fun!
The event will start on Thursday at 9 am and run until Saturday at 5 pm. If you arrive before Thursday please be mindful of the club members working to set up the event and check-in before parking a trailer or camper. There will be pilots meetings at 9 am each day followed by open flying. There will be a giant tent set up for overnight storage of the larger planes. This tent is provided by the SMMAC club to our guests and is available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
MoeGeo’s Food Truck will be back on-site Thursday through Saturday from 10 am – 4 pm with a great selection of food from burgers, to pulled pork, fried pickles, and more!
Friday Evening Rib Dinner – The club will be hosting a BBQ Rib dinner with sweet corn on Friday night. We’ll be asking $20 per person to cover the cost. You can sign up for dinner at the registration booth when you check in.
Our event website and NAMFI Facebook page will be updated to reflect the most current information.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Larry Sorenson or Michael Danielson

General Event Information:
- NAMFI is a pilot-friendly, non-competition event. Our goal is for everyone to have an enjoyable time. No pilot is more important than another. If we all keep this in mind the odds are in our favor that everyone will enjoy the event.
- NAMFI is an AMA sanctioned event. This means to fly you must be an AMA member (MAAC is also accepted). During open flying, we will maintain a racetrack pattern with the direction being dictated by the winds.
- All pilots must be registered and wear their pilot badge. Pit crew will be allowed to assist without registering but they must be accompanied by the pilot when in the pits.
- Spotters are required! There will be many people at NAMFI, and to help with pilot safety and communication, we require you to grab a spotter when flying. Remember, a good spotter will keep track of what other airplanes are doing and not focus on your airplane.
- 72mhz is allowed. There is a frequency board in place for the 72mhz flyers, however, there will be no impound. We will have a frequency sign up sheet for those using 72mhz to help with any channel conflicts. SMMAC will not be held responsible for any issues with using a radio on 72mhz. Please be sure to use the frequency board and watch for frequency conflicts.
- The flight line will be managed until 5 pm. After this, pilots can still fly but will need to manage the pattern by communicating with other pilots.
- Pets – It is best to leave Fluffy or Butch at home. However, if you must bring your pet it must be on a leash and monitored by a responsible person at all times. Nobody likes to listen to a pet that is left tied up and alone or step into a mess it made.